Small Town Parade
in Eaton NH
I don't think any parade
could beat Macy's parades, but a small town parade comes close.
They have the balloons, but we have the dragon. They have Santa,
but we have the cow. They have the floats,,,well, sometimes we
have floats! Kind of floats. *:)

The Sheriff blocks traffic
for our town's parade. This is rte 153, so there was a wait for
the poor travelers that couldn't see ahead to what was going

A huge thank you for the
firemen. They always lead our parade.

Nice truck! *:)

These ladies have some fun
routines with those umbrella's.

My favorite dragon can swing
a mean umbrella and shake a sexy tail!

LOVE this car!

Nan E B and her famous lime
green bug.

Aiden on his powerful lawn

Some nice vintage cars.

This car had a cute little
pooch enjoying the ride from the backseat. Monty noticed!
(Monty,,,,the Crystal Lake Inn's mascot)

Wow! Real nice!

Now this one would have
room for all my dogs.

This is Class Act aka Moo

The wonderful Sheriff who
kept the rowdy crowd in order & controlled the traffic.
Following the Sheriff
who was the last one in the parade, were all the people that
were unexpectedly delayed to watch our small town parade. All
seemed to enjoy the Norman Rockwell moment. *:) The crowd gave
them attention too! *:)